The Fat Loss for Idiots diet is one of the most popular online diets. This article takes a look at the benefits and downsides to this diet to help you decide if it is the right diet plan for you.
The basic concept behind it relies on something called the "shifting calories theory." In the most basic terms this means that the diet varies the number of calories you eat from day to day. Part of the problem with traditional diets is that they cut your calorie intake way down and as a result your metabolism slows down to compensate for the decrease in calories. The slower your metabolism runs the harder it is to lose weight which is why most traditional diets fail.
By varying the number of calories you eat each day, however, you can "trick" your metabolism to keep it from slowing down. Because your metabolism continues running at a higher rate weight loss becomes both faster and easier. The diet creates a custom meal plan that varies both the number of calories you eat each day and the types of foods that you eat to keep your metabolism from slowing. That is one reason that weight loss happens rapidly on the diet in comparison to traditional diets.
Along with being effective for weight loss the diet also has several other benefits. First, it allows you to select foods that you actually like. Rather than forcing you to eat things that you despise the custom meal plan generator asks you which foods you like best and then builds the menu around those foods. When you are eating foods that you enjoy it is easier to stick with a diet.
Another unique aspect of this diet is that it allows you to eat more than 3 times a day which helps to keep you from getting hungry between meals. One of the main reasons that diets fail is because people become too hungry and wind up "cheating" so eating frequently throughout the day is a nice benefit to the Fat Loss for Idiots diet.
The reason behind the name of the diet is that it is supposed to be so easy that an idiot can do it, and in that respect it is true. There is no calorie counting, measuring or difficult cooking involved and your entire menu is planned out for you so it requires very little work to stick with.
As far as downsides, the Fat Loss for Idiots diet does have a few. The diet itself is not nutritionally balanced and would not be good for a permanent eating plan. While it is a nice way to quickly drop some weight when you go off the diet you should plan healthy, balanced meals to maintain your weight loss. Along with that the makers of it recommend "light walking" for exercise. In order to get the greatest fat loss you would probably also want to add some strength training to your workouts to build some muscle and get your metabolism running even faster.
Overall this diet is a good plan and does promote fast weight loss. Although not recommended for long term use it is a good way to quickly drop some weight.
Find out what others who have tried the diet are saying about their weight loss results, see the results of the Fat Loss for Idiots Poll and learn more about what kind of weight loss you can expect if you try the diet at
For more information, you can check out:
Fat Loss 4 Idiots.